Chapter Next: In Which Alex Meets the Popo …

Alex and I had two conversations about the police -- or “la policia,” as we call them – this week before the events described in the last paragraph of this post took place last night.  In the first, he declared to me that “all police are not bad.”  That’s part of a larger and ongoing …

Breaking Out of the Silo: On (un)Seeing Multiple Oppressions

As someone who's worked in the civil rights community for many years, I've worked on a number of issues.  I name many of them in the beginning of this post.  In one of my many coalitions, we joke frequently about what each of our "t-shirts" says.  By that we mean, what issue does each of …

What Price, Privilege? A Closer Look at the Zimmerman & Baby Veronica cases

I take the law seriously; maybe seriously enough is a better phrase given my bygone love affair with a little blue sports car.  I'm a member of several bars, including that of the U.S. Supreme Court, and I've raised my hand and sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution.  But this is truly the summer …